Code of China Chinese Classification Professional Classification ICS Classification Latest Value-added Services

Chinese National Standard Category: Lubrication and cooling systems; heating devices

English Title: Specifications for wax thermostats of automobile engines
Chinese Title: 汽车发动机用蜡式调温器技术条件
Standard No.: QC/T 29061-1992
Category No.: T14
Issued by:
Issued on:
Implemented on:
Status: abolished
Superseded by:QC/T 29061-2013 Engineering specification for auto engine wax thermostat
Superseded on:2013-9-1
Abolished on:2013-09-01
Word Count: words
Similar Standards: QC/T 33-1992   QC/T 289-1999   CAS 145-2007   QC/T 29025-1991   QC/T 29061-1992   GB/T 34595-2017   GB/T 34596-2017   GB/T 28955-2012   GB/T 28954-2012   QC/T 828-2010   JT/T 305-2008   QC/T 773-2006   QC/T 763-2006   QC/T 747-2006   QC/T 33-2006   QC/T 288.1-2001   QC/T 288.2-2001   GB/T 18377-2001   GB 8409-1987   QC/T 288-1999  
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