GB 5908-2024 Flame arrester English
1 Scope
This document specifies the model designation, classification, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transport and storage as well as product certificates and preparation of instructions for use of flame arresters.
This document is applicable to the design, manufacturing and quality inspection of static flame arresters.
Note: The flame arrester specified in this document is applicable to the following conditions: The working pressure (absolute pressure) range and working temperature range of the medium used are 0.08–0.16 MPa and -20°C – +150°C, respectively.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain requirements which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 3836.2 Explosive atmospheres - Part 2: Equipment protection by flameproof enclosures “d”
GB/T 9969 General principles for preparation of instructions for use of industrial products
GB/T 13306 Plates
GB/T 20801.4 Pressure piping code - Industrial piping - Part 4: Fabrication and assembly
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
flame arrester
device comprised of an arrester element, an enclosure, and accessories designed to prevent the passage of flame (regardless of deflagration or detonation) while permitting the flow of the medium under normal operating conditions
in-line flame arrester
flame arrester installed between lines
Note: There are connecting lines on both sides of the flame arrester.
end-of-line flame arrester
flame arrester with only one end connected to a line
deflagration flame arrester
flame arrester that can prevent the transmission of deflagration flame
detonation flame arrester
flame arrester that can prevent the transmission of detonation (both stable and unstable detonations)
endurance burning flame arrester
flame arrester that can prevent flame transmission during and after the burning resistance
maximum experimental safety gap; MESG
maximum gap of the interface that prevents the flame from igniting the external gas mixture through the 25 mm long interface between the two parts of the inner chamber when the test gas or vapor-air mixtures at various concentrations in the inner chamber of the test equipment are ignited under specified test conditions
Note: The maximum experimental safety gap is a characteristic of the corresponding gas mixture (see GB/T 2900.35).
stable burning
flame temperature remains stable on or close to the surface of the arrester element
short time burning
steady combustion within a limited time
Note: Under atmospheric conditions, the time range of short time burning is 1–30 min using the test gases and test procedures specified in this document.
stable detonation
detonation that transmits stably in a confined system without significant changes in its wave front pressure and transmission velocity
Note: Under atmospheric conditions, the velocity range of stable detonation is 1,600–2,200 ms using the test gases and test procedures specified in this document.
unstable detonation
process of changing from deflagration to stable detonation
overdriven detonation
state where the detonation pressure and speed are higher than those in stable detonation
maximum working pressure of medium
maximum working pressure (absolute pressure) of the medium used when the flame arresters can successfully prevent flame transmission
4 Classification
4.1 Flame arresters can be categorized as follows by their flame arresting performance:
a) Deflagration flame arrester (R);
b) Detonation flame arrester [stable detonation flame arrester (W); unstable detonation flame arrester (F)].
4.2 Flame arresters can be categorized as follows by their installation position:
a) End-of-line flame arrester (D);
b) In-line flame arrester (G).
4.3 Flame arresters can be categorized as follows by the structure of their arrester element:
a) Corrugated plate type (B);
b) Steel mesh type (S);
c) Parallel plate type (P);
d) Compacted type (C);
e) Perforated plate type (K).
4.4 Flame arresters can be categorized as follows by their burning resistance:
a) Flame arrester for short time burning (D);
b) Endurance burning flame arrester (N).
4.5 Flame arresters can be categorized as follows by the applicable gas medium:
Foreword III
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Classification
5 Model designation
6 Requirements
6.1 Appearance, material and connection forms
6.2 Gasket
6.3 Corrosion resistance
6.4 Strength requirements
6.5 Sealing requirements
6.6 Deflagration/detonation resistance
6.7 Burning resistance
6.8 Gap between flameproof joints
6.9 Pressure Loss and ventilation volume
6.10 Requirements for electrostatic jumper cables
7 Test methods
7.1 Test conditions
7.2 Inspections for appearance, material and connection forms
7.3 Salt spray corrosion test
7.4 Sulfur dioxide corrosion test
7.5 Strength test
7.6 Sealing test
7.7 Deflagration test of end-of-line flame arresters
7.8 Deflagration test of in-line flame arresters
7.9 Detonation test of in-line flame arrester
7.10 Burning resistance test
7.11 Pressure loss & ventilation volume test
8 Inspection rules
8.1 Inspection classification and items
8.2 Sampling method
8.3 Judgment of inspection results
9 Marking, packaging, transport and storage
9.1 Marking
9.2 Packaging
9.3 Transport
9.4 Storage
10 Requirements for preparation of product certificate and instructions for use
10.1 Product certificate
10.2 Instructions for use
Annex A (Informative) Materials and connection form
A.1 Materials
A.2 Connection forms
Annex B (Normative) Flame arrester test gases
Annex C (Normative) Test procedures and sampling quantity of flame arrester
C.1 Description for test procedures
C.2 Diagram for test procedures
GB 5908-2024 Flame arrester English
1 Scope
This document specifies the model designation, classification, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transport and storage as well as product certificates and preparation of instructions for use of flame arresters.
This document is applicable to the design, manufacturing and quality inspection of static flame arresters.
Note: The flame arrester specified in this document is applicable to the following conditions: The working pressure (absolute pressure) range and working temperature range of the medium used are 0.08–0.16 MPa and -20°C – +150°C, respectively.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain requirements which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 3836.2 Explosive atmospheres - Part 2: Equipment protection by flameproof enclosures “d”
GB/T 9969 General principles for preparation of instructions for use of industrial products
GB/T 13306 Plates
GB/T 20801.4 Pressure piping code - Industrial piping - Part 4: Fabrication and assembly
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
flame arrester
device comprised of an arrester element, an enclosure, and accessories designed to prevent the passage of flame (regardless of deflagration or detonation) while permitting the flow of the medium under normal operating conditions
in-line flame arrester
flame arrester installed between lines
Note: There are connecting lines on both sides of the flame arrester.
end-of-line flame arrester
flame arrester with only one end connected to a line
deflagration flame arrester
flame arrester that can prevent the transmission of deflagration flame
detonation flame arrester
flame arrester that can prevent the transmission of detonation (both stable and unstable detonations)
endurance burning flame arrester
flame arrester that can prevent flame transmission during and after the burning resistance
maximum experimental safety gap; MESG
maximum gap of the interface that prevents the flame from igniting the external gas mixture through the 25 mm long interface between the two parts of the inner chamber when the test gas or vapor-air mixtures at various concentrations in the inner chamber of the test equipment are ignited under specified test conditions
Note: The maximum experimental safety gap is a characteristic of the corresponding gas mixture (see GB/T 2900.35).
stable burning
flame temperature remains stable on or close to the surface of the arrester element
short time burning
steady combustion within a limited time
Note: Under atmospheric conditions, the time range of short time burning is 1–30 min using the test gases and test procedures specified in this document.
stable detonation
detonation that transmits stably in a confined system without significant changes in its wave front pressure and transmission velocity
Note: Under atmospheric conditions, the velocity range of stable detonation is 1,600–2,200 ms using the test gases and test procedures specified in this document.
unstable detonation
process of changing from deflagration to stable detonation
overdriven detonation
state where the detonation pressure and speed are higher than those in stable detonation
maximum working pressure of medium
maximum working pressure (absolute pressure) of the medium used when the flame arresters can successfully prevent flame transmission
4 Classification
4.1 Flame arresters can be categorized as follows by their flame arresting performance:
a) Deflagration flame arrester (R);
b) Detonation flame arrester [stable detonation flame arrester (W); unstable detonation flame arrester (F)].
4.2 Flame arresters can be categorized as follows by their installation position:
a) End-of-line flame arrester (D);
b) In-line flame arrester (G).
4.3 Flame arresters can be categorized as follows by the structure of their arrester element:
a) Corrugated plate type (B);
b) Steel mesh type (S);
c) Parallel plate type (P);
d) Compacted type (C);
e) Perforated plate type (K).
4.4 Flame arresters can be categorized as follows by their burning resistance:
a) Flame arrester for short time burning (D);
b) Endurance burning flame arrester (N).
4.5 Flame arresters can be categorized as follows by the applicable gas medium:
Contents of GB 5908-2024
Foreword III
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Classification
5 Model designation
6 Requirements
6.1 Appearance, material and connection forms
6.2 Gasket
6.3 Corrosion resistance
6.4 Strength requirements
6.5 Sealing requirements
6.6 Deflagration/detonation resistance
6.7 Burning resistance
6.8 Gap between flameproof joints
6.9 Pressure Loss and ventilation volume
6.10 Requirements for electrostatic jumper cables
7 Test methods
7.1 Test conditions
7.2 Inspections for appearance, material and connection forms
7.3 Salt spray corrosion test
7.4 Sulfur dioxide corrosion test
7.5 Strength test
7.6 Sealing test
7.7 Deflagration test of end-of-line flame arresters
7.8 Deflagration test of in-line flame arresters
7.9 Detonation test of in-line flame arrester
7.10 Burning resistance test
7.11 Pressure loss & ventilation volume test
8 Inspection rules
8.1 Inspection classification and items
8.2 Sampling method
8.3 Judgment of inspection results
9 Marking, packaging, transport and storage
9.1 Marking
9.2 Packaging
9.3 Transport
9.4 Storage
10 Requirements for preparation of product certificate and instructions for use
10.1 Product certificate
10.2 Instructions for use
Annex A (Informative) Materials and connection form
A.1 Materials
A.2 Connection forms
Annex B (Normative) Flame arrester test gases
Annex C (Normative) Test procedures and sampling quantity of flame arrester
C.1 Description for test procedures
C.2 Diagram for test procedures